Eurotherm, a unit of Invensys plc, announces the latest addition to their 3000 series temperature/process controllers: a new 1/8 DIN controller and indicator with text display, model 32H8.
The 32H8 has a text display, high accuracy input, 5 on-board process recipes, as well as Eurotherm's patented Instant Accuracy® system. The text display makes it easy for anyone to use or configure the controller. When accessing the user interface every parameter is accompanied by a scrolling text message to describe its function. Scrolling alarm and event messages are unique features that can alert an operator of a change in plant conditions. These messages can be customized with a PC tool, thereby providing terms and expressions familiar to the operator. For example, in case of an alarm condition the 32H8 can change the text , e.g. high melt pressure exceeded from green to red. The controller can display a description of a parameter in 5 languages (English, Spanish, French and German). A simple QuickStart' code is used to configure all the essential functions required to monitor and protect the process and if so desired the code can be preset by Eurotherm. More information can be found at